Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Newborn Outfit

A lot of my friends are expecting to have a baby. Some of them are first time moms/dads and a few are second time moms/dads. No matter how many times they have a baby, the feelings of having a new one coming is just the same as the first time. For sure these friends of mine are starting to shop or plan of shopping their newborns' the cutest outfit they can ever find. Outfits that include a Baby Hat or Newborn Hats, mittens, socks, sleepers, onesies, burp clothes, crib and beddings, winter clothes etc.

I bet they will have a hard time choosing baby clothes because almost all of them are cute. In fact, I just opened a website that sells Cute Baby Hats and I am so tempted to buy one or two for my little Pearl even though she already has a couple of baby hats already. Sigh! Shopping is addicting especially if its for my girls.

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